Text Blasts
& Event RSVPs

Gather your community

Regular events are the building blocks
of a community.

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Use flockUp to

Maintain a course with many cohorts

Start a book club

Build camaraderie within your department

Connect disparate friend groups

Run communities that value consistency and accessibility

Designed for
Community Builders
& Members

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Easy and Accessible

Simple and intuitive web-app for admins or hosts, just SMS for your members, no platforms in between.

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Perfect for Collaboration

Add as many admins or hosts to your community as you want

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Never Spammy

Respectful of your members, with required opt-in, always easy to opt out

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Made to be integrated

We work with your existing systems! Use it stand alone or in combinations.

flockUp at a glance Bird illustrations/bird

Invites through text messages.

No apps, no forgotten logins or confusing uis to stand in the way of community invites.

flockUp invite screenshot

Community subgroups (flocks!)

Create flocks to organize your community's members: geographically, by interest group, or anything else.

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Easy to add members, via Zapier or CSV.

flockUp is meant to be hackable. Use the API and Zapier to integrate it into whatever systems you already use. Available on the Fly plan and above.

flockUp api screenshot
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Get your own number.

Start with a dedicated number for sending messages to your community. Available on the Fly and Soar plans.

Well that's flockin' awesome.

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And all our plans come with a 30 day money-back guarantee.


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Brought to you by your friendly neighborhood LokBros.


We're not a faceless tech company. We're three brothers who believe in the power of gathering together.

As a small business that isn't beholden to any outside money, our customers are our first priority.

flockUp is one of our first products, and it's here for the long haul.

We're grateful for you!

See more or say hi: hello@lokbros.com