Members in flockUp

Members of your community will receive your invitations and text blasts. Members can have different names across communities.

Users (hosts or admins) are not sent invitations or text blasts, unless they are explicitly added as a member. We recommend adding yourself and hosts as members so you can see how invites and text blasts are received.

You can add a single member manually or import a CSV of members.

Member invitation flow

What happens when a member gets added to flockUp?

  1. They will receive a text message with your community welcome message, which includes an opt-in request.
  2. The member must respond with a “yes” (“YES”, “Yes” or other variations are supported) to receive any text blasts or invites from your community.
  3. Once a member is successfully opted in, they will receive a confirmation message that they are now opted in.

An inactive member has a question mark (?) instead of a bird avatar in the members list. Inactive members cannot be added to any flocks or will not show up as a recipient for invites or text blasts.

Adding Members via CSV

If you already have a list of members with their phone numbers, it’s easy to import your CSV (easily exportable from Google Sheets or Excel) into flockUp.

Your sheet should have these required headings (the headings should look exactly like this):

name phone opt_in_status pod_ids
Person Name 2345678912 pending 1,2,3

What is a pod_id?

The pod_ids column is also optional. In our system, “flocks” are internally known as “pods.” This column is a comma-separated list of pod IDs to add the member to, in addition to the default pod. For example, 1,2,3 will add the member to pods with IDs 1, 2, and 3. Spaces around commas are also supported (e.g., 1, 2, 3).

You’ll find a pod id in your dashboard when you click into your flock:

Pod ID

After the sheet is processed, you’ll get a message showing how many members were successfully created.