Text-back RSVPs

In flockUp, when you send a text message invite out to your members, they get a link for their event. But they don’t necessarily have to RSVP by clicking a link. Instead, they can just text your flockUp number back and their RSVP will be recorded based on their response. Let’s dig into how this works.

Going/Declined Triggers

flockUp updates a member’s RSVP based on them responding with a response word. You can customize this set of options when you create an event. It’s located at the bottom of the form. Click on “RSVP response settings” to customize these words.

We’ve left a default set for you, which you can see prepopulated in the chat mockup on the right!

Confirmation Texts

When someone RSVP’s over text, they’ll get a message back to confirm that their RSVP has been recorded successfully in flockUp. You can customize these confirmation texts too!

Confirmation texts can use “tags”, which allow you to dynamically add content to text messages. A tag starts and ends with two curly braces, and no spaces in between. As it stands, these are the current tags we support:

{{event_name}} – includes the event’s name

{{member_name}} – includes the member’s name

{{invite_url}} – includes the member’s unique RSVP link

Click on the little icon next to the mockup of a member to see what your confirmation message will look like, depending on the User response.