What are flocks?

Flocks are community’s sub-groups. You might have groups in your community divided by interest, geography, or anything else. Flock information is only available to admins or hosts – it’s not shared with your members.

Members can belong to multiple flocks, and their experience will only be getting event invitations and text blasts from the flocks that they are a part of.

Every plan comes with unlimited flocks.

Flocks can only be created, updated, or deleted by admin users.

Assigning a flock host

Flock hosts are a user role in flockUp. They only have access to flocks that they are assigned to by an Admin.

The first step is for an admin to invite a Host to their account.

Then, clicking on a Flock, a Flock host can be assigned to that Flock from a dropdown.

Assigning members to a flock

By default, every community has an “Everyone” flock. This comes setup in every new flockUp community. This is known as the “default” flock. When a member is added to your flockUp community, they are automatically added to the default flock.

For all other flocks, you can click the flock name in “Community Flocks” page.


Each flock has a time zone. Any event invites created will include that timezone in the invitation. If your community is geographically widespread, they’ll get times in the timezone their flock is based in.

Changing Flock Verbiage

“Flock” is an intentionally general word used to describe sub-groups. But what if you have a better one?

You could rename “flock” to anything you like – “city”, “group”, etc. You’ll find this in on your dashboard, right below where your current flocks are configured.

What is a pod_id?

Internal to our system, “flocks” are known as “pods.” If you’re using our API, you might need a pod_id to add a member to a specific pod.

You can find your flock’s pod_id in your dashboard when you click into a pod.

Pod ID